Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

Nearing the end of the trimester....

Room 49 Update

This is the last full week of school before marks close.  Besides wrapping up some of our current units, the students will also be taking the Math and ELA Trimester assessments.  All students will receive their first report card on Friday, December 5th.

Time Management

Please help your child manage their time effectively this week and next week (Monday and Tuesday). There are new assignments, which students will need to work on throughout the week.  The assignments are as follows:

Math -Monday and Tuesday nights ONLY this week
Reading - RAZ Kids 
Writing -Thanksgiving story -due Monday
Spelling -Tic Tac Toe activities are due Friday
Social Studies -Northeast Test -Tuesday, 11/25 *study guide sent home on Tuesday 11/18

Thank you for your continued support.  Have a great week!

Monday, November 10, 2014

RAZ Kids!

Raz-Kids is up and running!
This week instead of completing a reading log, I would like students to read (and complete the quiz) for at least two Raz-Kids books.  It's easy...just use the Raz-Kids link, find your name, and start reading!  You can also access the program from any tablet, phone, etc.  The password for ALL users is fsarahb.  Happy Reading!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Halloween Fun!

Here are the pictures from our Halloween Party!

Check out our spiderweb greeting and cool pumpkin craft!