Monday, December 15, 2014

Our class will celebrate the season with a fun craft project on Tuesday, December 23rd.  
Please send your child to school with a special snack so everyone can enjoy a yummy treat from home after we finish creating the craft.  Thank you!

Happy Holidays!!!

December in Room 49

Math -Division, division, division!  The students have been working very hard to learn new division skills.  In fourth grade we teach long division using the area model (box method) and partial quotients.  After learning both methods, students are asked to choose the strategy that works best for them.  New division skills will then be applied to interpreting and solving word problems

ELA -Greek Mythology!  We have been learning about the different characters and themes in Greek Myths.  This week the students will be performing reader's theater mini-plays highlighting some of the famous Greek characters.  In Writer's Workshop, they are creating a new god/goddess and writing an original myth.

Social Studies - The Southeast Region -we are learning about the physical features, climate, products, resources, landmarks, and culture of all 12 southeast states.  This week students will create a "license plate" highlighting a SE state.

Science -the students are learning about the Periodic Table of Elements and atoms!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pajama Program

Friday is the last day to donate to this wonderful cause.  I have attached a video with an overview of the Pajama Program.

On Friday, December 5th, MSES will have PJ Day.  Students are welcome to wear pajamas (with regular shoes).  Our class may also bring in books, board games, a blanket or sleeping bag, and a stuffed animal.  We will spend some time in the afternoon "relaxing" in our PJ's!

Thank you for your support!